colored sketch of me in profile. this image in hidden behind other objects on the page, not meant to be in full view.

luv3rb01's world :3


i couldn't have made this website without help from folks on the internet so i'm making this page as a goodie bag of all (most of) the things i used and think would be helpful to others! take what you like and leave what you don't :P

i'll update this as i find more things but yeah


"HTML for people" by Blake Watson — a really good beginner's guide to HTML and CSS — lots of free lessons on different programming styles and a workspace to practice! how i first got into coding. "sharing your art online" by ribose — optimizing your images to save space and kind of a beginner's guide to coding. (on their main site there's lots of free templates and stuff, check it out!) w3schools — a coding masterdoc. — if you ever run into any issues while making your site, chances are there's a solution here. MDN web docs — another masterdoc.

images, icons, gifs, etc.

pixel sea by melonking icons8 svgs 88x31 buttons gallery tiled backgrounds


google fonts — fonts! CDNfonts — more fonts! — kinda self explanatory but easy png maker (pretty good imo)